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Rural Women LEAD – a series of 5 workshops – opt in today!


Rural Women LEAD creates opportunities for rural women across south west Victoria to learn, engage, achieve and develop (LEAD) together through a series of five workshops focusing on:

    • Building capability through learning together, reflecting and developing strategies to challenge stereotypes, gender roles and prejudice for cultural change and gender equality.
    • Supporting and empowering women’s leadership and progression in the region.
    • Celebrating and promoting local women and their contributions and achievements in their communities across south west Victoria.
    • Creating opportunity to connect, network and collaborate in a brave/accountable space of like-minded people.

Workshops include:

#1: Leading Self for Life and Professional Fulfilmentwith Jessica Fishburn: 9 May: 10am-2pm: Stonefield Lane, Koroit

#2: The Superpowers of Youwith Dr. Jodie Fleming: 23 May: 10am – 2pm: Conlan’s Wine Store, Pt Fairy

#3:Networking with Purpose: Building Trust and Meaningful Connections with Trudy Marr and Indigenous Story Telling through art with local Keerray Woorroong/ Yorta Yorta artist Sherry Johnstone: 6 June: 10am-2.00pm: Deakin University – Warrnambool Campus

#4:Brand You: Assert your personal brand with clarity, confidence and consistency with Karen Foster and Resume Makeover: Elevate Your Career with Allison Patchett: 20 June: 10am-2.00pm: Union Station Hotel – Woolsthorpe

#5:Future Voice: Expressing Ideas That Create Change with Lynne Cazaly: 4 July: 10am-2.00pm: Sterling Place – Dunkeld

You can opt in to all 5 workshops, select 1 or a number of – up to you. 


Full details and registration available at this link:



Ticket prices per workshop (includes morning tea and a light lunch):

Super Early Bird: $200*/workshop – closes 9 April

Early Bird: $250*/workshop – closes 23 April

Full Rate: $280*/workshop – closes 7 May

*plus Humanitix booking fee


This is a collaboration with the following people and organisations:

    • Jodie Hill: Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
    • Karen Foster: O2 Advisory
    • Trudy Marr: are-able; LGSC Board member
    • Erin Deimos: Wannon Water
    • Jessica Fishburn: GenHealth
    • Kirsten Diprose: Communications specialist, Podcaster, Farmer
    • Kate Roache: Leadership Great South Coast


For further details contact Kate Roache: [email protected]


Welcome to our 2025 Community Leadership Program participants



Expressions of Interest for Board positions now open


Are you interested in fostering regional leadership for community impact?


We look forward to hearing from you.


2024 Graduation


Congratulations to our 2024 graduates.

Wow, what a year!

16 fabulous community members have graduated the 2024 Community Leadership Program – congratulations to Ash, Bec F, Mark, Rhianna, Barbara, Kim, Damien, Jarrod, Bec C, Will, Aylish, Brit, Ryan, Tonia, Janine and Sarah.
A year filled with learning in and with community, exploring regional priorities and identifying areas of need.
Friendships and networks formed.
Leadership skills developed.
Much laughter, deep listening, curious questions, tears, data, cross-sector collaborations, exploration, kindness, volunteering, stretching the elastic band, gifting of feedback, dancing on the dance floor, taking the balcony view and so much more!

* 10-month intensive program, including 12 program days and 20 field trips.

* 4 projects planned/delivered in and with community, including 1,638 total volunteer hours to the valued of $80,116.
* 3 immersives (2-day intensive learning sessions).
* 53 speakers.
* 2 skill building workshops.
* 1 coaching session.
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates and thank-you for committing time for yourself to build your community leadership capabilities. Our region is in great hands with your wonderful curiosity and generous spirits. Remember, ‘take a chance’ – you never know where it may lead.
A very big thank you to our Principal and Program Partners:

* Handbury Foundation

* Fletcher Jones Family Foundations

* ACE Radio

* Wannon Water

* The Hugh D.T. Williamson Foundation

* Glenelg Hopkins CMA, Our Catchment Our Communities

* Warrnambool City Council

* Glenelg Shire Council

* Moyne Shire Council

* Southern Grampians Shire Council

* Corangamite Shire Council

* DemoDAIRY Foundation

* Port of Portland

* Elders Insurance Hamilton

To our 2024 participant sponsors – thank you.

* Gardiner Foundation


* Wannon Water

* Community Bank Port Fairy & District – Bendigo Bank

* The A.L Lane Foundation

* Felicity Melican & Gerard Barker

And to all those who contributed in-kind (see out extensive list in the partner section of the website) – we cannot do this without you – thank you.