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Privilege and Power – What is your Superpower of Privilege?
Everyone deserves to feel accepted and included within the community. A strong community is one that encourages, welcomes and embraces one another. It is about empowering people by respecting and appreciating individual differences.
The Building Inclusive Communities Program Day was an informative, yet challenging session which explored diversity and inclusion and how they can be embraced within society, the workplace and in the community.
Diversity and inclusion are complementary terms that depend on each other. Diversity is the characteristics, experiences, and other distinctions that make one person different from another. Whilst inclusion means creating an environment where people, regardless of surface or hidden level differences, feel welcome, supported and valued.
Teresa Lombardo, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant explored the concept of privilege and power with us, how it is used and how it is invisible to those who have it. This in many cases triggered feelings of emotion and guilt.
We took time to think and reflect on our own social identities and where we hold privilege and how privilege can be leveraged for positive change. As leaders how do we shift the conversation around privilege to make it productive and inclusive, allowing us to use our privilege as a superpower to make a difference?
Embracing diversity and inclusion requires more than including it as an item on the meeting agenda. The steps to integrate diversity and inclusion and achieve real results takes awareness, acceptance, strategy and continued action.
Some may think, I am only one person, who is going to listen to me and what can I do. So let’s flip the conversation – as leaders in the community, use your voice and make a difference, use your superpower of privilege to drive change.
Creating inclusion for all has the power to strengthen lives, change lives and sometimes even save lives.
A special thank you to our passionate presenters, for sharing their knowledge and experiences:
- Bridie West, NDIS Services Manager, Southern Stay
- Teresa Lombardo, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant
- Lyn Eales, Manager School and Community Team, SAFE in the South West, LGBTIQA+, Support and Connection, Brophy Family and Youth Services
- Joel Willoughby, Alcohol and Other Drug Clinician, Western Region Alcohol and Drug Service Inc.
- Jennifer Thomas, LGSC 2022 Alumni, Strategic Liaison, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation
- Maree Wyse, Executive Manager, Tasty Plate
Jane Hinds, 2023 LGSC Program Participant
Data – it’s your past, present and future
Data is something we all use, and we collect, but it probably isn’t something that you think about often, or that gets you excited. However data underpins decisions that shape our community, and even our lives, in every possible way. From our shopping habits, to where we live, to what services our community needs, data collected and data modelling will determine future direction.
Speaker Simon Kuestenmacher, Co-Founder and Director of Research at The Demographics Group had us getting excited about data, and what the future may hold with some very interesting statistics. We learned ‘the aging of the Australian population has just begun’ and with that, what the future may look like, and what services will be pushed beyond their limits such as healthcare. The data tells us in 2023 there are over 550,000 people in Australia aged over 85. There will be an additional 15,000 people added to this pool this year and this number will increase dramatically as our baby boomers continue to age. Of those 50% will require assistance of some sort. Using this data, we can see the healthcare sector will require more services, funding and employees to help fill the need that this aging society will require. We have seen the healthcare and social assistance workforce has grown from 8% to 15% in the past 20 years, and we know that will only need to increase in order to look after our aging population.
Knowing this information should assist governments and councils in their planning processes and budget allocations, giving more money to attract and retain staff in the aged care sector. This will greatly benefit our local communities.
By collecting and analysing data, businesses, councils and governments can make more informed decisions and plan for a better, more connected future for their communities.
Many thanks to our speakers Simon Kuestenmacher, Lisa McLeod, Co-Founder Populus Data and Claire Dagley, 2022 Alumni.
Alexandra Stoupas – 2023 Program Participant
Through community engagement we can create value – and expand opportunities with and for the community. The Strategic Alignment and Community Impact program day heightened our knowledge and invigorated our curiosity and left wanting to ask more questions.
The speakers showed us ways to build strategic partnerships that unite our WHY with the WHAT! WHY! HOW! of other people and organisations to work together with the community!
It appears that a fundamental component of the Leadership Great South Coast’s Community Leadership Program is gaining a comprehensive and accurate understanding of working through our values. The program challenges us to rethink at a deeper level to be acquiring and reflecting on our WHY – the compelling higher purpose that inspires us to ask people what they think about ideas, plans or proposal so they can contribute to, and influence, the decisions that affect them. This assists in clarifying the why of community engagement to contribute to sound decision making.
Community engagement is a crucial part of both public and private sector decision making. Its important to consider the whole picture of what community engagement entails before leaping straight in. It is about creating the two-way dialogue and for the collective feedback to be focussed into a decision. The level of your community engagement is based on the why and the impact of the decision on the community and the influence of the stakeholders.
Communication and Engagement Specialist, Ailiche Goddard-Clegg, had us understanding:
- collaboration and connections
- mobilising resources and influence systems
- changing the relationships among partners, and
- serving as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices, as we worked through a number of sample project concepts.
This elevated the discussion regarding strategic profiles and community engagement. Together they create more beneficial linkages, and the community connections improves the overall outcomes by engaging, listening, and learning from community.
Prompt questions to consider project concepts included:
What is the
- Need
- Opinion
- Opportunity?
Why do it?
- Mandates
- Co-ownership
- Sustainment
- Better outcomes
How to do it?
- Define / map
- Engage
- Refine
- Communicate
Robust communication and engagement with community is a pivotal process in the planning process to ensure the plan’s long-term or overall aims, interests, and the means of achieving them are met.
Thank you to all our speakers for sharing your valuable time and knowledge.
Nigel Harper – Acting Manager Regional Operations, Regional Development Victoria, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions. Brett Davis – CEO Moyne Shire, and Member of South West Victoria Alliance and Great South Coast Regional Partnership. Katie Hearn – Manager Community Services, Corangamite Shire. Ashish Sitoula – Manager Strategic Community Planning and Policy, Warrnambool City Council. Ailiche Goddard-Clegg – Communication and Engagement Specialist.
Jo-Anne O’Brien 2023 LGSC Participant.
Welcome to our 2023 participants
ALEXANDRA STOUPAS: Manager Operations and Workforce Systems, South West Healthcare
CATE CORBET: Business Analyst, Southern Grampians Shire Council
CATHRYN WALDER: Community Engagement Coordinator, Youth Live4Life. Sponsor: The A.L. Lane Foundation
CLAUDIA KLUNKER: Dairy Farm Manager, Rosemount Dairy Pty Ltd. Sponsor: Gardiner Foundation
COURTNEY MATHEW: Marketing & Communications Advisor, Wannon Water
EMMA SHORTIS: Lecturer, RMIT University. Sponsor: Corangamite Shire Council
JANE HINDS: Sport and Recreation Coordinator, Corangamite Shire Council
JO-ANNE O’BRIEN: Administration Officer, Warrnambool Legacy Club Inc. Sponsor: The Thomas O’Toole Foundation
MARK BARLING: IT Facilitator, Mpower
MICHAELA MEADE: Owner/Operator Dairy Farmer, Boonderoo Pastoral and Meade Livestock Carriers. Sponsor: Gardiner Foundation
MITCHELL SPENCER: Director, Broadvue Heights Pty Ltd. Sponsor: Community Bank Port Fairy and District
NICOLE WOOD: Travel Smart Officer, Warrnambool City Council
RACHEL CAMERON: Communications Officer, Corangamite Shire Council