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2017 Full Scholarship Announced


LGSC would like to thank the South West Community Foundation for their support of our aspiring community leaders via a full scholarship for our 2017 Program.

The Foundation has provided scholarships for LGSC applicants over the past three years and we are very grateful for their ongoing financial support.

To learn more about the great work the Foundation is supporting across South West Victoria visit http://www.southwestcommunityfoundation.org/

Foundation Donations can be made via their website.



Future Leaders Discuss Cultural Diversity


The LGSC participants experienced a cultural shock when they took part in a cultural diversity education day. The participants learned the value of building a strong culture in a work place, and the differences in cultures all around the world including the ongoing devastation in the middle east affecting millions of refugees. 

The event started with Lynda Ford explaining the crisis in Syria and the impacts on its people that is directly affecting family’s livelihoods to the extent they have no choice but to leave. Lynda has almost 30 years of experience in human services organisations and local government. She has worked in areas of child protection and community development with disadvantaged youth and families, with migrants and refugees.  Lynda shared her experience with the group and via an interactive session, the participants took part in a role playing exercise which told the heart wrenching story of a family of refugees who through all of the dismay were ‘lucky’ enough to gain access to Australia. 

After the main break of the day the mood took a turn focusing on cultural diversity in the work place. The discussion, led by Greg Wells, specialist business advisor and facilitator.Greg expressed that we should develop staff to be able to make their own decisions and that these decisions need to be safe, profitable and help the reputation of the business.  Greg left the group with an interesting quote to savour ‘at the end of the day your culture is defined by the behaviours that you reward (remember: if you see poor behaviour and you ignore it you are actually rewarding it by default). The standard you walk past is the standard you set.


Leaders Explore Local Education


The 2016 LGSC Program participants experienced a day of hard hitting reality checks re the state of education within our region.

The group heard from facilitator Sally Sudweek about how a lack of education can affect one’s socio economic status later in life. Sally’s belief is that building relationships with students is the key for teachers to gain the child’s respect and therefore beneficial academic results.

Locally, the Great South Coast Group’s “Beyond the Bell” program has a primary focus of improving the regions year 12 or equivalent attainment rates which currently sit at 18% below the states average and a massive 34% below the target. According to Beyond the Bells, Adele Kennealy the program is making progress in the early childhood areas, and with additional funding would have wider benefit.

After a full briefing of the current Deakin University situation form Shane Wilson and Felicity Melican the LGSC members went on to visit the WAVE School. With many members initially unaware of the existence of WAVE and its purpose we left with a great appreciation of the work fulfilled by the dedicated teachers/mentors at the school.

One thing is certain our Educational Program Day informed us about the significant work members of our community are doing to help improve education levels in our region. We are now collectively strong advocates and champions for education attainment.


Thanks to our presenters Sally Sudweek (Beewise Inc), Adele Kenneally (Beyond the Bell), Shane Wilson, Felicity Melican and Damien Farley (WAVE School).

Thanks to the Department of Department of Environment Land Water and Planning for hosting us.



Climate Change – to believe or not to believe


Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist, Agriculture, inspired a conversation with the LGSC 2016 participants about climate variability and the effects within our region. Discussing the challenges of mitigation and adaptation enabled the group to develop an understanding of how changing weather patterns are impacting our region. 

Jigsaw Farms Mark Wootton and Eve Kantor highlighted how they have developed farming practices that are environmentally sustainable, allowing the farm to be a profitable commercial venture. How mitigation and development of new farm practices is essential for addressing the changing climate of the region. Mark highlighted that simply changing current practises is not an option. 

Jason Thomas 2015 LGSC Alumni with Architect, Jakob Kelly discussed Jason’s his vision for a passive house that had a low carbon footprint both in its construction and moving forward into the future. Jason’s family’s vision of being self-sufficient in food and energy needs was inspiring and thought provoking, highlighting how an individual change can impact for the greater good. 

The program day raised many questions at both the group and individual level. We were left pondering what choices we can make in our own lives that will benefit the environment not only now but in the future.

Thanks to host at Jigsaw farms,  Graeme Anderson, Jason Thomas and Jakob Kelly.