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Opening Retreat 2015


Our 2015 Program Opening Retreat was held at the stunning Deakin University Warrnambool Campus on the banks for the Hopkins River. The residential retreat is an intensive two days facilitated by leadership coach and trainer Corrinne Armour from Extraordinary Future. Covering topics from Situational Leadership to Social Intelligence and much more the 16 participants in this year’s Program found the two days challenging and rewarding. Admitting that at times they were way outside their comfort zones, a great space for new learning.

We are now looking forward to the Program year which will bring many and varied challenges for the team, including our annual Community projects.

2015 Program Participants:

  1. ADAM TAYLOR, Finance Manager, Lyndoch Living Inc.
  2. ALISON READ, Forest Planner, South West Fibre
  3. ANN CUNNINGHAM, Lawyer, Stringer Clark
  4. BILLY GREENHAM, Town Planner, Glenelg Shire Council
  5. BRENDAN REA, Manager, Brendellyn Pty Ltd
  6. CHRIS HANSFORD, Member Care Consultant, South West Credit Union
  7. CLAIRE HOLT, Chief Health Information Manager, Portland District Health
  8. CRAIG DETTLING, Self Employed Dairy Farmer
  9. DEMOGENE SMITH, Project Team Leader, Western District Health Service
  10. EMMA MAHONY, Research and Policy Health Promotion Officer, Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
  11. GARETH COLLITON, Curator, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool City Council
  12. JASON THOMAS, Continuous Improvement Coordinator, Southern Grampians Shire Council
  13. PHILIP HOSE, General Manager, Cooinda Disability Services Terang
  14. SALLY HETZEL, Strategic Planner, Moyne Shire
  15. TIM HUGGINS, Ruminant Nutrition Consultant, Five Star Stockfeeds
  16. SHARNIE MCKENNA, Marketing Manager, The Midfield Group


Eco Tourism 2014 Program


Once again it was a privilege to take member of the 2014 Program to Lake Condah for our annual Eco Tourism Program Day.

The participants enjoyed a tour of Budj Bin (Mt Eccles) with Denis Rose, Project Officer Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation, prior to taking an extensive cultural tour of Lake Condah, the fish traps, round houses and the Lake Condah Mission with Denise Lovett, Gunditjmara women.

Once again the insights gained by the group while on country listening to the history and stories of the Gunditjmara people has been invaluable to their leadership journey.

We completed the day with an update from Damein Bell, CEO Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation, about the Budj Bim Master Plan and UNESCO World Heritage listing application supported by Denis Rose.

We were privileged to spend the day on Gunditjmara country and we thank our hosts for their generous hospitality and ongoing support of LGSC.

For more info read The Age – It’s eel season for the Gunditjmara people in south-west Victoria



My Leadership Journey


I thoroughly recommend the LGSC program to anyone, of any age or level of experience, who is interested to open the door to an amazing personal and professional growth experience.
Helen Chenoweth, Macquarie Franklin Consultants, 2014 Graduate, Gardiner Scholarship recipient 2014


Thanks and Best Wishes for the Festive Season


Wishing our Partners, supporters, facilitators, presenters, Alumni, and participants a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Special thanks to our Major Partners the Victorian Government, Telstra and the Great South Coast Group for your ongoing support in the development of our aspiring community leaders.

Thanks and best wished to our scholarship partners Deakin University, Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West, South West Community Foundation, The Gardiner Foundation, Bug Blitz, Warrnambool City Council, Committee for Portland and Southern Grampians Shire.

Thanks also go to The Ray and Joyce Uebergang Foundation, The Gwen and Edna Jones Foundation and The AL Lane Foundation for your support in 2014.

We wish you all a happy and safe festive season and look forward to working with you in 2015.

The LGSC Team