Lynda Smith

Lynda Smith is the Population Health Coordinator with South West Primary Care Partnership whilst based in Warrnambool, Lynda’s current position supports the shires of Warrnambool, Moyne and Corangamite. She currently supports a variety of local government areas, health services and likeminded organisations.
As an accredited partnership broker, she has a unique approach to capacity building, and rural and regional liveability. With over 17 years’ experience in preventative health Lynda supports and mentors organisations to instigate population health initiatives and projects across the Great South Coast, using both a systems change and a collective impact approach. Priorities areas Lynda has focused on during her career include: physical health, oral health, breastfeeding, sexual health and social and emotional wellbeing.
Lynda has over nine years’ experience as a board member for Kyeema Inc., a local disability service in Portland, is the vice chair of South West Sport.
In 2018 Lynda was one of 15 participants who completed the second intake of the Vicsport female leadership program.
Married with four children, and now a grandmother, residing in Portland. Lynda is committed to prevention, and community development across the Great South Coast.
Lynda is a LGSC 2013 alumni (recipient of a Committee for Portland scholarship).